Today's recommending listening includes LatinX Mixtape, Metallica, and B.B. King's critically acclaimed album. Happy listening!
Get a free Glendale Library, Arts & Culture Library eCard instantaneously. It can be used to access our online resources including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines, online classes, online tutoring, and learning games, as well as streaming movies and music, and more.Try listening to a streaming Playlist from Freegal Music, Naxos Music Library or Alexander Street free with your library card. Alexander Street will ask for an academic institution, use Glendale Public Library.
Read About Music

Did you know that RB Digital has the latest issues of music magazine such as Rolling Stone, Billboard, Guitar Player, Computer Music, Gramophone and Mojo? You can register and check out digital issues using your library card!
Streaming Music

Billboard has a list of virtual concerts and live-streams, updated regularly.

Classic FM has a list of live-streamed classical music concerts, updated regularly.

The Poetry Out Loud Recitation Contest was created in 2006 by the National Endowment for the Arts and The Poetry Foundation. Although the National Finals are cancelled there is a lot of excellent information on their web site. The site includes poems, recitations, terminology and tips on reciting.
Virtual Art Exhibit

This week, we’re taking a virtual visit to ReflectSpace, the gallery at Glendale’s Central Library. The Tell Me exhibit (presented in fall 2019) was a collaboration with Inside Out Project, launched by world-renowned French artist JR, as a global art project transforming messages of personal identity into works of art. Library staff photographed dozens of Glendale residents and library patrons to create a visual and communal story of our city. Intimate and informal, the portraits were supersized and displayed throughout the interior and exterior of the library. The portraits speak to the very core construct of community: its individuals as well as their collective presence.
Streaming Art

Everything is Connected, from NOWNESS series Private View, a performance/gallery tour. One of the most strikingly original international dance companies, Shen Wei Dance Arts unveils a performance that interacts with the gracefully hanging works of art housed in The Power Station of Art, that once served as a power station for Shanghai.

Explore Net Art Anthology. Retelling the history of Net Art from the 1980s to the 2010s. This online exhibition presents 100 artworks from net art history, restaging and contextualizing one project each week. Net art is an elusive and sometimes anarchic art form which uses the Internet as its primary material. Net art works often draw on data from other Internet materials and websites, which helps give them their distinctive dynamics and transience.
Art Inspiration - Try It at Home
A 'no sew' Sketchbook or Journal part one: Accordion book
Supplies needed: cardboard (2 matching pieces square or rectangle), paper (any kind), glue (glue stick or tacky glue), rubber band or string.

You can cut the tabs off of a box to get two pieces of cardboard, trim them to be the same size. Measure the width of the cardboard and cut your paper into strips slightly thinner. Take all the strips and glue the ends together to make one long strip. Fold the long paper strip to match the length of the cardboard (this is the accordion part).

Trim the edges of the paper to make it even. Find a piece of paper larger than your cardboard (I used a paper bag). Trim the paper to be slightly larger than your board. Glue the board to the center of the paper and trim off the corners. Fold over and glue down the edges. Glue the first part of your accordion of paper to the inside of the board.

Glue the other side of the accordion paper to the other covered board. You can use a string or rubber band to keep the covers together. One of the pros of the accordion book is that it is easy to add in more paper or take out parts. Just cut a section and insert more.

Let us know how you did on all our try it at home projects with #brandfromhome
Staff e-Recommendations

A Love Letter To The City by Stephen Powers: Picture a Venn diagram. One circle is graffiti, one circle is community murals, and one circle is fun street art. In the center of this is the work of Stephen Powers. His work is, “graffiti dressed as public art for the service of community service.” I was first introduced to Powers through the documentary Beautiful Losers, where you get a limited sense of him. In this book written by Powers himself, you truly enter his world and you get to see what makes his art so unique. For me, his positive outlook is the core of his art. While Banksy’s street art will give you a moment to pause and think about class warfare or society in general, Stephen Powers wants to use his art to send a positive, playful and sometimes just silly message. There is something truly special about Stephen Powers art, and it isn’t his technique, which is sometimes quite simple. It’s his compulsion to use his skills in sign painting and graffiti to broadcast enthusiasm, as he puts it, “replacing industrial with emotional.” To me, his most iconic work was not street art, but his stint as a Coney Island sign painter, breathing life and energy into an old boardwalk. Powers and his team hand-painted a good portion of the businesses signs as well as repainting and re-lettering ride cars and painting murals. This book is about his experiences (having a construction aerial lift scream FAILURE at him) and ideas, and as you’ll learn from looking at his art, no one quite has the same voice. -GG

This is a recommendation with a note of caution, have something peppy or cheerful ready to play just in case. Hoopla has streaming access to a number of Leonard Cohen albums. Spend some time in reflection; his work is very human and subtly humorous. Cohen was a successful poet and novelist before he became a recording artist. He was known for working and re-working many of his songs, in an interview in 1993 he said "My first thoughts are dull, are prejudiced, are poisonous. I find last thought, best thought." Try Old Ideas, You want it darker, I'm your man and Songs of love and hate. There is also a lovely compilation on NOWNESS Thanks for the Dance: Artistic responses to Leonard Cohen. -EH
Summer-Haiku, The Spice-Box of Earth
and a deeper silence
when the crickets
Covid-19 Resources
Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization, the California Department of Public Health and Los Angeles County Public Health Department and City of Glendale.