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Brand from Home | April 9, 2020

Music Playlists

Today's recommending listening includes Rolling Stone's Best Albums of 2019, the National Poetry Month playlist and Celebrate Beethoven, in honor of his 250th birthday. Happy listening!

Get a free Glendale Library, Arts & Culture Library eCard instantaneously. It can be used to access our online resources including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines, online classes, online tutoring, and learning games, as well as streaming movies and music, and more.Try listening to a streaming Playlist from Freegal Music, Naxos Music Library or Alexander Street free with your library card. Alexander Street will ask for an academic institution, use Glendale Public Library.

Read About Music

The Proquest Music Periodicals Database includes full text of over 140 music magazines and indexing to many more. Do you need articles from Guitar Player, Jazz Times, Keyboard, Fanfare or The Musical Times? Login with your library card.

The International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP), or Petrucci Music Library provides public domain music scores free of charge to anyone who has internet access. IMSLP believes that music should be easily accessible for everyone.

Streaming Music

Radio Garden lets you tune into a world of global broadcasts and explore live radio by rotating the globe. A non-profit Dutch radio and digital research project, it was developed to help radio makers and listeners connect with distant cultures and re-connect with people from home and thousands of miles away.


Call for Art

The Brand Associates 48th Annual National Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper will be held from September 12 - October 30, 2020. The call for artists is now open. The entry deadline is May 18, 2020.

This year's juror is artist Dan McCleary. Read the full prospectus.

Streaming Art

Leo Limon: Portrait of an Artist, a documentary from California Revealed on the Internet Archive. One of the most visible artists in the Chicano art movement, phases of his life are captured within the broader history of Self-Help Graphics & Art and the Mechicano Art Center. Along with his approaches to alleviate social problems confronting at-risk urban youth and residents in high-violence neighborhoods, his work to preserve and restore the Los Angeles River as an ecological and recreational zone is highlighted.

Art Inspiration - Try It at Home

DIY Things to do with bits of string.Make a lanyard or bracelet. Supplies needed: cardboard, scissors (or something else to cut with), 7 pieces of string or cord or yarn about 1 1/2 to 2 feet long.

Cut out a square of cardboard, cut off the corners of the square, you now have an octagon. Mark the center of each side and make a cut at least 1/4 inch. Cut out the center of the octagon. Gather your 7 pieces of string and tie them together. Slot each string into a slot, you will have one empty. Hold onto the knot at the bottom of your strings. Turn the octagon ​so the empty slot is on top. Count down three strings, take the third string and move it to the empty slot. Turn the empty slot back to the top. Repeat turning in the same direction (you can draw in an arrow to help remember which way you are going).

As you progress, take time to untangle your strings as you go. When you reach the length you want, take the strings off the octagon. Tie a knot. Or if you are making a bracelet you can make a fastener. Split the strings into two sides, 3 on one 4 on the other, and braid each side about 1/2 inch. Tie the two braids together with a knot to form a loop and you are done.


Staff e-Recommendations

With Freegal's Poetry Readings in the Cellar, we can all be transported to San Francisco's North Beach circa 1957. The Cellar was located down the street from the famed City Lights bookstore and hosted the imperfect but impossibly cool pairing of spoken word poetry with jazz. In this album, Beat poets Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Kenneth Rexroth read with the The Cellar Jazz Quintet. As usual, Ferlinghetti shines in Junkman's Obbligato and Autobiography, while Rexroth narrates dour portraits with Married Blues and I Went to the City. I don't know about you, but "I am a playerpiano / in an abandoned casino / on a seaside esplanade / in a dense fog / still playing." Settle in, grab a drink, and join the show. -SB

Universal Class: Knitting 101

This introductory online class is straight ahead and reasonably formal, to the point where you can get a grade or PD points, the course is centralized. Everything you need to know to get started is in one place, and the class moves in sequence from getting your materials, to getting loops on your hook, to knitting, to purling, to reading patterns, and finishes with a choice of projects. The written lesson material may not engage all learning styles, however the videos provided are excellent for beginners. -LD

Creativebug: Debbie Stoller - Knitting Cast-ons, Knitting and Purling

A lovely, well-designed website with a simple search function that supports a flexible approach to learning. There is no pressure to do more than you want, learn more than you want, or go at anything other than your own pace. Information is presented in easily digestible, engaging units. You can skip around in a course very easily by looking at the table of contents and playing the chapter you want. I ended up watching two interesting classes presented by none other than Debbie Stoller, the former editor of Bust magazine who started a massive knitting movement in America called Stitch n' Bitch. (Her book was the first thing I ever used in my quest to learn how to knit.) Her videos present definite points of view about the craft of knitting. -LD


Covid-19 Resources

Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization, the California Department of Public Health and Los Angeles County Public Health Department.



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