Music Playlists
Today's recommending listening is Aretha Franklin, Gloria Estefan, Chet Baker, and great violin favorites.
Get a free Glendale Library, Arts & Culture Library eCard instantaneously. It can be used to access our online resources including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines, online classes, online tutoring, and learning games, as well as streaming movies and music, and more.Try listening to a streaming Playlist from Freegal Music, Naxos Music Library, Naxos Jazz Music Library, Hoopla or Alexander Street free with your library card. Alexander Street will ask for an academic institution, use Glendale Public Library.
Streaming Music
KPBX is an NPR member station in Spokane, Washington, and they have been holding Kids’ Concerts for 25 years. Each KPBX Kids' Concert highlights a musical style, such as, classical, jazz, big band, folk, bluegrass, Latin, calypso, reggae, klezmer, and rockabilly. The concerts are available on their web site.
Musical Theatre West is the resident musical theater company based at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center in Long Beach. They have lots of fun concerts and other offerings to explore on social media.
The LA Chamber Orchestra has free online events upcoming so be sure to check out this amazing orchestra.
LA has online and live concert listings on their web site and social media. Their Quick Calendar is kept up to date and includes many livestream events.
Call for Artists
The Beyond The Box - Mural Art Program is a utility box mural project supported by the City of Glendale and the Glendale Arts and Culture Commission, with funding from the Urban Art Program. Submit your artwork for a City of Glendale utility box mural by September 18.
Art Online
During the month of August, MoMA is streaming treasures from their film archive and sharing fascinating cinema history with Film Vault Summer Camp. A new selection of films is released each week. Try Great Actresses of the Past, a rare glimpse of the early 20th century’s finest stage performers—Eleonora Duse, Sarah Bernhardt, Minnie Maddern Fiske, and Gabrielle Réjane.
Browse a sample of some of the over 150 political cartoons created by Nina Allender for the National Woman's Party from 1914-1927. Allender's cartoons helped change the course of the fight for woman suffrage and the ongoing struggle for women's equality.
Explore the online exhibit The Poetics of Suffrage. Take a look at the little parts of a larger movement, focusing on the language of the movement’s artifacts and ephemera. Inequality is never discrete and neither are reactions against it.
Art Inspiration - Try It at Home
The Toronto Museum of Contemporary Art offers home learning videos and materials for all ages including stop motion animation inspired by the work of Evelyn Lambart and cardboard landscapes inspired by Carlos Bunga, collage, reading and creating and more.
The Art Gallery of Ontario offers art making videos for you at home inspired by the AGO collection. Get outside and use the land around you to create an awesome work of art! Sticks, rocks and fallen leaves become your materials and the land is your canvas. Watch AGO Artist Instructor Amanda Arcuri make land art in a park and at the beach. Where will you make your land art?
Staff e-Recommendations
Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad, the third self-help book by Austin Kleon, proved to be incredibly helpful without requiring too much thought on my part. Every book wants to meet you halfway to understanding. Austin Kleon will pull up to your house, let himself in, and carry you to the car. His books are incredibly easy to read and motivating, which is part of what makes it SO EASY TO READ. A couple of good ideas about organizing your thoughts and motivating cartoons, and suddenly you are fifty pages deep into the book and scribbling down notes for yourself on Post-it Notes. He draws on, not just artists, but creators and do-ers such as mathematicians and politicians to draw inspiration. I found myself being able to summarize the book into two word sentences. Pay attention. Take breaks. Make lists. But that’s what is necessary to get through sometimes. I walked away with easy-to-remember steps. In the “bad times” he speaks about in the title, trudging through a dense book will not help you feel motivated. There is no one-way to live your life and be creative, there are thousands of sometimes contradictory methods that can fit your life and habits. For this book, Austin will hold your hand and walk you through. His gift is motivation. To get any creative work done, you are all on your own. But ready, at least. -GG
Anoushka Shankar: Rise. Rise is a 2005 album by sitarist Anoushka Shankar. She comes from a very famous family as her father was the late Ravi Shankar and her half sister is Norah Jones. She was taught to play the sitar by her father and as you might expect is an amazing musician. On this album, the sitar is front and center but she mixes Eastern and Western instruments in her backing band which includes veena, tabla, duduk, bansuri, bass, drums, djembe, cello and piano. Aside from her sitar virtuosity, she sings and plays keyboards on several tracks. Describing the album as eclectic is an understatement - Indian music, pop, jazz, electronica and a multitude of world music styles are effectively combined. The moods range from ethereal to high energy. It's all very professionally produced and a tapestry of sound. In these uncertain times, the warm and mellow numbers are certainly comforting. In recent years, more groups have been combining music and instruments from different parts of the planet. Anoushka does this so well and this album is a joy to listen to. -BW
Covid-19 Resources
Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization, the California Department of Public Health, the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, the City of Glendale, and the Library, Arts & Culture department.
Resources for Music Businesses And Industry Workers, Playing for Change, Sounding Point LA
Resources for Freelance Artists, California Arts Council, Americans for the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts