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Brand from Home | July 19, 2020

Music Playlists

Today's recommending listening is singer-songwriter Brian McKnight, the Randy Newman songbook, Hayastan: Traditions of Armenia, and Bach Cello Suites arranged for guitar. Log in with your Glendale library card to listen!

Get a free Glendale Library, Arts & Culture Library eCard instantaneously. It can be used to access our online resources including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines, online classes, online tutoring, and learning games, as well as streaming movies and music, and more.Try listening to a streaming Playlist from Freegal Music, Naxos Music Library, Naxos Jazz Music Library, Hoopla or Alexander Street free with your library card. Alexander Street will ask for an academic institution, use Glendale Public Library.

Learn About Music

The Marian Anderson Collection at Penn State University Libraries is newly digitized and now accessible online. The collection spans the Philadelphia-born contralto’s six-decade career as a concert singer and advocate for social justice.

The Cincinnati Symphony Sound Discoveries site has some fun music projects for kids to work on at home.

Music Recipes

Ital is a vegan cuisine celebrated in the Rastafari movement. In the 1980s, Sister Morri often published recipes in the magazine The Reggae & African Beat. Some of the healthy recipes include African Ital Stew, Country Soup, Heal Up Soup, Miser (lentil) Wot and Berbere Paste. If you follow the link you can find some of the recipes via the Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive using your library card number.

Streaming Music

WDCB, a Chicago Jazz and Blues station, has an up to date virtual event calendar.


Art Online

Celebrate World Watercolor Month and Culinary Arts Month by exploring the United States Department of Agriculture’s Pomological Watercolor Collection spanning 1886 to 1942. The plant specimens represented by these artworks originated in 29 countries and 51 states and territories in the U.S. There are 7,497 watercolor paintings, 87 line drawings, and 79 wax models created by approximately 21 artists.

Art Inspiration - Try It at Home

The Santa Barbara Museum of Art has printable activity sheets. If you don't have the exact materials suggested for these activities feel free to substitute (for example pencil for pen, colored pencils for crayons, construction paper for tissue paper).

The important thing is to have fun experimenting with art. Enjoy!

Try Architecture at Home, a series of family-friendly activities offered in partnership with the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development.

The Pittsburgh Children's Museum offers Museum at Home, an online series providing instructions for creative activities you can try at home. These include making musical instruments, knitting, weaving, quilling and more.


Staff e-Recommendations

There is still more work to be done to open doors to people who are not readily welcomed into the art world.

This is What I Know About Art is Kimberly Drew’s concise biographical contribution to the Pocket Change Collective series available on Libby. As an art history student at Smith College, Drew realized that the artists studied often lacked in racial diversity, particularly of those artists representing the Black diaspora. If art education lacks inclusivity with regard to race as well as socioeconomics and disability, then so will the artists represented in galleries and exhibitions and the patron demographics of art spaces. Drew started her own blog featuring Black contemporary artists, and also began using social media professionally to include people in the art world who may have felt excluded. Although This is What I know About Art is geared toward a young adult audience, her experience in non-profits and museums, the referenced artists and the art and performance works that challenged and inspired her, are beneficial to all ages. -SB

Song Cycle was Van Dyke Parks first solo album in 1967. For those who do not know his name, Parks is an acclaimed singer, pianist, songwriter, arranger and record producer. He has worked with Brian Wilson, Randy Newman, Harry Nilsson, Ry Cooder and Ringo Starr. Song Cycle was a critical rather than commercial success. In 2017, Pitchfork magazine named the album the 93rd greatest album of the 1960s. The album is full of orchestrated pop songs influenced by multiple genres. It sounds very much of the time period with it’s ambitious eclecticism and unusual song structures but Parks' voice and piano playing are also very distinctive. If you like Brian Wilson’s Smile (Parks co-wrote the lyrics on that album) you will probably like this album too. Certainly an interesting part of pop music history. -BW


Covid-19 Resources

Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization, the California Department of Public Health, the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, the City of Glendale, and the Library, Arts & Culture department.



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